She slept in our bed with the cool air humidifier running all night. At least we're prepared since we've been through this before. I hope Daddy is able to persuade her to take some. When I left this morning, she was burning up, but she refused to take more Tylenol. She had two children's grape flavored chewable Tylenol last night.
It's almost cute in this, "poor baby, you sound just like a little seal, I hope you feel ok," way.
#Oroweat healthnut bread how to#
The cough is so, I don't know how to describe it. Last night her cold became croupe, so we have a live-in seal baby. That morning she started having a cough, and Daddy predicted a cold. She slept on the way home from that fun journey also. Oi, even typing in now gives my stomach butterflies. She kept wanting to stick her head between the railing, and she's just small enough to fit through. Made me nervous on the bridge at Multnomah Falls. Then yesterday, we took a Memorial Day outing to Multnomah falls. She napped all the way back to Beaverton. We got her a battery operate light toy called the "Meteor Storm". She loved this little bug house tent and Thomas train set. Then we spent 45 minutes in the toy store. The vendor was flying one at the corner, so cool. Daddy bought me a mini-kite from a street vendor. Then we walked up to Finnegan's toy store. We went on every floor, up and down all the escalator, went through the under-street tunnel, over the skybridge. I don't know how I'm going to manage it, but I will have one of those someday. I still can't think about it without shaking my head in amazement.
Daddy and I test drove the supreme ultimate massage chair. By that point I had easily spent an imaginary $9297.00 dollars. Next it was on to the scooter store, then Sharper Image. Then we headed up the elevator to the Bose store and Grampa, Daddy, and I checked out the sound systems while Grammy and Lexie did laps. None of the stores were open yet, but we headed for the food court and had breakfast and Starbucks coffee. We walked across the square, and then up to Pioneer Place. She did have a tantrum for a while when she couldn't go every where she wanted to go, and had to have a semi-nap relax period of me holding her before we arrived at Pioneer square. At the first couple of stops she bolted for the door, ya know, any opening door is an open invitation. Lexie loved the train ride, and Grandpa Dale took on role of keeping an eye on the hyper, hungry, bottle of curious energy. A day on faith that no one will target the shiny dark blue 2005 Honda. We got to the next station before Daddy asked if I had locked the car. She was excited the moment the train showed up. We all piled into the Accord and drove to the Quatama Max station. Saturday morning at about 9:30am, Grammy and Grandpa Dale arrived at our house. My favorite, sitting on the front porch watching Lex chase dog and ducks, talking with Daddy, Betty, PattyAnn, and Jay. Saturday we spent the afternoon at Gramma Betty's. Stuck with the old lame-o Hallmark E-Card that screams, "When you care enough to send the very best, but you just forgot, so here's an animated card.that's quick and cheap." Of course, since I was so successful blocking work thoughts, I successfully forgot today was her b-day, and didn't get a card, potluck item, gift, etc. Not that she needs much encouragement, control freak that she is. Already the 2D07 printer crisis has reared it's head and I'm none too thrilled, so I take two steps backward and encourage Gweena BoBeena (Hell, it is her birthday anyway.) to take charge of the situation. First thing this morning work slaps me in the face with a stinging thwack! I successfully blocked all work related thoughts out of my head for the last 72 hours. Printer maintenance guy hasn't shown up yet.