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  • Given a positive integer N, return the Nth row of pascal’s triangle – C | C++ | Java | Python.
  • Last non-zero digit in factorial- C | C++ | Java | Python.
  • Given a list arr of N integers, print sums of all subsets in it- C | C++ | Java | Python.
  • Given an integer N the task is to print the F(N)th term.- C | C++ | Java | Python.
  • Print All Permutations of a String- C | C++ | Java | Python.
  • Program to calculate length of the string using recursion- C | C++ | Java | Python.
  • LCM of two numbers – C | C++ | Java | Python.
  • HCF of two numbers – C | C++ | Java | Python.
  • Reversing a Number – C | C++ | Java | Python.
  • Smallest element in an array – C | C++ | Java | Python.
  • Largest element in an array – C | C++ | Java | Python.
  • Power of a Number – C | C++ | Java | Python.
  • Finding Roots of a quadratic equation : C | C++ | Java | Python.
  • Finding number of integers which has exactly x divisors: C | C++ | Java | Python.
  • Finding Number of times x digit occurs in a given input : C | C++ | Java | Python.
  • Counting number of days in a given month of a year : C | C++ | Java | Python.
  • Convert digit/number to words : C | C++ | Java | Python.
  • Calculate the number of digits in an integer : C | C++ | Java | Python.
  • Find the prime numbers between 1 to 100 : C | C++ | Java | Python.
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    Calculate the area of a circle : C | C++ | Java | Python.Count possible decoding of a given digit sequence : C | C++ | Java | Python.Can a number be expressed as a sum of two prime numbers : C | C++ | Java | Python.Replace all 0’s with 1 in a given integer : C | C++ | Java | Python.Addition of two fractions: C | C++ | Java | Python.Maximum number of handshakes: C | C++ | Java | Python.Permutations in which n people can occupy r seats in a classroom : C | C++ | Java | Python.Quadrants in which a given coordinate lies : C | C++ | Java | Python.Octal to Binary conversion : C | C++ | Java | Python.Binary to Octal conversion : C | C++ | Java | Python.

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    Decimal to Hexadecimal Conversion: C | C++ | Java | Python.Decimal to Octal Conversion: C | C++ | Java | Python.Decimal to Binary conversion: C | C++ | Java | Python.Hexadecimal to Decimal conversion: C | C++ | Java | Python.Octal to Decimal conversion : C | C++ | Java | Python.Binary to Decimal to conversion : C | C++ | Java | Python.Greatest Common Divisor : C | C++ | Java | Python.Lowest Common Multiple (LCM) : C | C++ | Java | Python.Highest Common Factor(HCF): C | C++ | Java | Python.Friendly pair : C | C++ | Java | Python.Abundant number : C| C++ | Java | Python.Harshad number : C | C++ | Java | Python.Automorphic number : C | C++ | Java | Python.Perfect Square : C | C++ | Java | Python.Perfect number : C | C++ | Java | Python.Strong number : C | C++ | Java | Python.Finding Prime Factors of a number : C | C++ | Java | Python.Factor of a number : C | C++ | Java | Python.Power of a number : C | C++ | Java | Python.

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  • Factorial of a number : C | C++ | Java | Python.

  • Find the Nth Term of the Fibonacci Series : C | C++ | Java | Python.
  • Fibonacci Series upto nth term : C | C++ | Java | Python.
  • Armstrong number in a given range : C | C++ | Java | Python.
  • Armstrong number : C | C++ | Java | Python.
  • Palindrome number: C | C++ | Java | Python.
  • Reverse of a number : C | C++ | Java | Python.
  • Sum of digits of a number: C | C++ | Java | Python.
  • Prime number within a given range: C | C++ | Java | Python.
  • Leap year or not: C | C++ | Java | Python.
  • Greatest of the Three numbers: C | C++ | Java | Python.
  • Greatest of two numbers: C | C++ | Java | Python.
  • Sum of numbers in a given range: C | C++ | Java | Python.
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    Sum of N natural numbers: C | C++ | Java | Python.Sum of First N Natural numbers: C | C++ | Java | Python.Even or Odd number: C | C++ | Java | Python.Positive or Negative number: C | C++ | Java | Python.

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